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Guido de Boer

Head Dope Dead Hope
Academiesingel 148
Latex on bricks

A tribute to artist Pieter Laurens Mol

Guido de Boer  was inspired by the work ‘Head Dope Dead Hope’ by local artist Pieter Laurens Mol. Mol’s former studio was located nearby in the Spoorstraat. Guido and his brother Vincent de Boer made a diptych as a tribute to the artist.After finishing the mural we heard about the story of two friends who both battled an alcohol addiction for almost 26 years. In 2016 one of them had an accident due to a psychosis and died from his injuries a few days later. The man lived in the room above Guido’s mural, which adds extra meaning to it.

Rosa Meininger

About the artist

Guido de Boer

The Netherlands
Graphic designer
Guido de Boer

Guido de Boer graduated as a graphic designer. He teaches typography, is the founder of Vormplatform and him and his brother are part of typographic collective High on Type.