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Babette Bakermans

Reigerstraat 24
Latex on plaster

‘Young Talent makes Blind Wall’

BANK15 and Blind Walls Gallery have joined forces. Young talent was given the opportunity to create a ‘Blind Wall’, inspired by stories from the city. Makers are given room to experiment and gain valuable experience – this is how we invest in the makers of the future. Babette drew inspiration for this painting from the history of the building where Foodhall Breda is now located.

Photo by Evy van Nispen

‘Former Casino Cinema’

The building used to function as a Casino Cinema. An old theater canvas was found during the renovation of the building. The old set is 10 by 5 meters and is a hundred years old. The canvas was in excellent condition. A special find since these set pieces were often made for a few performances and they were not intended for eternity. The canvas was found at a height of 14 meters in an old theater tower.

Photo by: Evy van Nispen

According to historian Diewert Berben, the work was made by Jaap van Dam between 1920 and 1935. One side of the canvas has an Art Deco interior, based on Theater Tuschinski in Amsterdam. A large fantasy landscape can be seen on the other side of the set piece.

Babette used the canvas as inspiration for her mural. For the design, she filled the fantasy landscape with elements of the old Casino Cinema in order to make the link with the previous function of the building. Do you recognize the symbolism of the old Casino Cinema in Babette’s work?

About the artist

Babette Bakermans

Illustator/Graphic Designer
Babette Bakermans

Babette Bakermans is an illustrator and graphic designer based from Breda. Her work is characterized by her interest in surrealism, fashion, design, photography and combining analogue elements with digital elements.