In June, the Kasteelplein in Breda will be transformed into an impressive Blind Floor; a 20-by-20-meter painting inspired by the mysterious blue-yellow eye tiles from Breda Castle.
Spanish artist Javier de Riba is creating a contemporary version of the historic tile pattern. From June 11 to 16, he will apply the pattern together with volunteers. You too can help (together with colleagues, family members, friends, neighbors or on your own). Starting June 18, for two weeks the floor will be the stage for a program of various activities and events.
Always wanted to help create a Blind “Wall”? From June 11 to 16, Javier will apply the pattern together with enthusiastic participants. Will you help too?
- Participation is free
- Every day there are two time slots in which you can participate
- We expect you to be present at the mentioned starting time
- Per time slot there is room for 12 participants
- Each time block starts with an explanation by artist Javier
- We use stencils and paint
- Children between the ages of 12-16 accompanied by an adult
- Keep in mind that you have to bend and squat a lot
- Wear clothes that may get dirty
Time slots (Click on the desired time to claim your ticket)
Sunday June 11: 9.30 till 12.00 and 13.30 till 16.00
Monday June 12: 9.30 till 12.00 and 13.30 till 16.00
Tuesday June 13: 9.30 till 12.00 and 13.30 till 16.00
Wednesday June 14: 9.30 till 12.00 and 13.30 till 16.00
Thursday June 15: 9.30 till 12.00 and 13.30 till 16.00
Friday June 16: 9.30 till 12.00 and 13.30 till 16.00