‘Fictional bird species symbolize resilience, hope and pride’
A new, immense mural graces the South-West wall of Electron.
Rutger Termohlen invited fellow artists Collin van der Sluijs and Super A to work on the project. The giant mural was inspired by several ‘lockdown talks’ they had with residents of Belcrum, the surrounding neighborhood.
Fictional birds, representing family, transformation, resilience and hope. Birds we will need in the coming times.
The choice for birds was an inspired one: they are fragile, but powerful animals. Proud and colourful. Or subtle and inconspicuous. Other elements, like the broken vase, represent symbolic stories – often only known to the residents and artists.
This Blind Wall was an initiative by Electron and was supported by residents, artists, het Prins Bernhard Buurt Cultuurfonds, Boels Verhuur and Studio ID. Blind Walls Gallery supplied the paint.
Photos by Frank Bouwkamp